Corporate & Community Giving

The University of North Georgia Foundation seeks partnerships with local businesses and corporations that positively impact students, faculty, and the community-at-large.

Corporate & Community Giving is critical to UNG because only 32% of the annual operating budget derives from tuition and fees and 31% is from state funding. State funding for operating and capital expansion purposes lags enrollment growth by several years. That means philanthropic gifts from corporations, local businesses, and organizations are a key component of the future success of UNG and its students and faculty.

There are two primary ways to offer support:


Sponsorships of university events, many of which are open to the public, directly support UNG students and faculty. The following annual events offer sponsorship opportunities:

President Shannon with UNG Gala award recipient
Auctioneers at Oconeefest


Corporate & Community funded scholarships help promote the educational interests of our corporate and community partners and provide tangible public evidence of their values, while supporting deserving students and faculty in their academic pursuits.

“Scholarships have paid for nearly every opportunity that I've been blessed with at this University. I wouldn't have been able to go to graduate school if I hadn't had scholarships. I'm in an environment that nurtures growth - individually, academically, and athletically. Receiving a scholarship is knowing that many people care about me, push me and challenge me to take that next step in my education.”

— Hannah Peevey, Graduate Student and Athlete

For more information regarding Corporate & Community Giving, please contact a member of our Advancement Staff.