UNG Foundation
The UNG Foundation, Inc. operates as a Cooperating Organization by formal agreement with the University System of Georgia to receive and manage all charitable gifts and grants on behalf of and for the benefit of the University of North Georgia.
The Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees. The trustees have appointed the UNG Vice President for University Advancement to serve as Chief Executive Officer. Staff and support functions are performed by full-time University employees at the direction of the CEO.
The Board of Trustees is organized into committees to conduct the business of the Foundation. The Finance & Audit Committee appoints an independent auditor to ensure compliance in financial management and reporting.
The Foundation manages funds that are restricted by donor instructions and funds that have no donor restrictions. Restricted funds are managed in accordance with gift agreements that are recorded in Memorandums of Agreement between the donors and the Foundation.
The permanent funds of the Foundation, as well as certain temporary funds, are invested in accordance with policy established by the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees. Funds are designated annually for distribution by way of a Board-approved budget.
EIN: 23-7066297