Starlight Celebration & Fireworks
Saturday, August 16, 2025
Gates open 6:00 pm with fireworks at dark
The 26th Annual Starlight Celebration & Fireworks show will take place on UNG’s Gainesville Campus this August. The signature event of the Gainesville campus welcomes between 2,000 and 3,000 guests to the beautiful grounds of UNG for an evening of music with fireworks at dark. Net proceeds from this event benefit UNG student scholarships. Please visit our website at www.ung.edu/starlight for more information.
Starlight Entry Fee: $10 per car, $20 per large van or bus
• Logo on T-shirts worn by event volunteers and the Gainesville Campus marquee event sign.
• Sponsor logo included on all marketing collateral including a link to your website from the UNG Starlight event webpage.
• Customized opportunity to engage with students during the 2024-2025 academic year.
• Customized social media post acknowledging your sponsorship.
• Sponsorship acknowledged in pre-and post-event media releases and at the event.
• Alumni Relations –UNG's reach includes more than 28,000 alumni and nearly 18,000 students and their families.
• One – 6 ft. table provided for display of promotional items (sponsor may bring in own pop-up tent)
• Four reserved tables at Starlight (twenty-four attendees and eight parking passes)
• Customized opportunity to engage with students during the 2024-2025 academic year.
• Sponsor logo on sponsorship banner and the Starlight website with a link to your website.
• Acknowledgment in a UNG social media post.
• One – 6 ft. table provided for display of promotional items (sponsor may bring in own pop-up tent)
• Three reserved tables at Starlight (eighteen attendees and six reserved parking passes)
• Sponsor name listed on the sponsorship banner and the Starlight website with a link to your website.
• One – 6 ft. table provided for display of promotional items (sponsor may bring in own pop-up tent)
• Two reserved tables at Starlight (twelve attendees and four reserved parking passes)
• Sponsor name listed on the sponsorship banner and the Starlight website.
• One – 6 ft. table provided for display of promotional items (sponsor may bring in own pop-up tent)
• One reserved table at Starlight (six attendees and two reserved parking passes)
• Sponsor name listed on sponsorship banner.
• One reserved table at Starlight (six attendees and two reserved parking passes)
Contact Shannon Shockley on the UNG Gainesville campus for sponsorship information at 678-717-3947 or shannon.shockley@ung.edu
If you would prefer hard copies of our registration forms, please print our Sponsorship Form.