Faculty & Staff Giving

The Blue and Gold Campaign

Blue and Gold describes the body of faculty and staff who give their time, talents and treasures to UNG, every year. Blue and Gold members are current or retired faculty and staff who make annual charitable contributions to UNG.

Whether you decide to give once a year or set up payroll deductions, you will have chosen to join a special group of colleagues that lead by example and, through their giving, make UNG a better place.

Ways to Give

  • payroll

    Payroll Giving

    You can set up recurring gifts to be deducted from your paycheck automatically. This way of giving is better for personal budgeting purposes as you are able to split your annual giving into smaller installments throughout the year.

  • graduates

    One-Time Gifts

    You can give once or several one-time gifts during the fiscal year without setting up payment installments. One-time gifts can be given through payroll giving as well as credit card, check or cash payments.

“UNG is my professional home and my professional family. This university is a loving, caring, and nurturing environment for students, faculty, and staff alike.
I give to UNG because I want to support its mission to provide the best educational experience possible. The University has supported me throughout my career. Giving to UNG will provide similar opportunities to others within the university family. That’s an important legacy to maintain and grow.”

— Richard Oates, Vice President, Gainesville Campus, 28 years of consecutive giving


  • There are two ways you can set up a payroll giving:

    Online Form: Complete the [online form. UNG Foundation and HR will be notified of your changes immediately. Your first gift will be scheduled for your next paycheck.

    Printed Form: You must deliver the payroll giving form to the UNG Foundation at the Dahlonega Campus, Downtown Building, 3rd Floor. Once they have received the form, they will approve your request and send the information to HR. Your first gift will be scheduled for your next paycheck.

  • After completing an Payroll Giving Form or delivering a printed form to the UNG Foundation, your payroll giving plan will be approved and sent to HR Payroll Department who will set up your new payroll giving plan. Once UNG Foundation and HR approve your request, your giving will start on your next schedule paycheck

  • Yes. You can change the amount and fund at any time. Just Fill out the Payroll Giving Form and select Recurring Payroll Giving and I want to change my giving or print the form and deliver it to the UNG Foundation at the Dahlonega Campus, Downtown Building, 3rd Floor. Changes take effect on the next paycheck after a form has been submitted and approved by the UNG Foundation and HR.

  • Yes. You can terminate your payroll giving at any time. Just fill out the Payroll Giving Form and select Recurring Payroll Giving and I want to terminate my giving or print the form and deliver it to the UNG Foundation at the Dahlonega Campus, Downtown Building, 3rd Floor. Changes take effect on the next paycheck after a form has been submitted and approved by the UNG Foundation and HR. Note: You will be requested to confirm your termination by calling Advancement Services at 706.867.2876

  • No. If you fill out the online form, your request will go through an orderly process that will discontinue your old payroll giving plan and start a new one. After UNG Foundation and HR approve your changes, your new plan will start on your next pay period.

  • While the online process notifies UNG Foundation and HR immediately, the manual process might take as long as 5 business days for everyone to be notified of your changes. If submittals happen within 5 days prior to your next scheduled paycheck, your changes may skip one paycheck.

  • Your gift will be post-tax. Contributions will be deducted after your income taxes.

  • Yes. The UNG Foundation is the philanthropic arm that supports the University of North Georgia. UNG Foundation, Inc. is a fully incorporated 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt charitable organization. This means that all gifts to the UNG Foundation are tax-deductible.

  • The UNG Foundation will mail you a receipt at the end of the calendar year with a summary of your giving throughout the year that you can use when filing your taxes.

For more information about the Blue & Gold Campaign, please contact Alberto Perez at 706.867.3211 or annualgiving@ung.edu.