
Corps Advisory Council

“The Corps Advisory Council (CAC), a select group of volunteers, helps sustain the Boar’s Head Brigade as the preeminent Senior Military College Army ROTC Unit in the United States by engaging alumni and friends of the Corps in a genuine partnership dedicated to supporting and enhancing the Corps of Cadets. These dedicated men and women are assisting to Deliver the Corps of the Future today!”

— James L. Terry, ’78, Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Retired, Senior Vice President and Superintendent, University of North Georgia

Our democracy requires that some men and women be willing to protect and defend freedom by dedicating their lives to the profession of arms and national security. 

Your gift to the UNG Corps of Cadets through the Georgia Gold, American Treasure Initiative helps attract, educate, and prepare men and women for this purpose.

Help Us Build the Corps of the Future

As the Corps of Cadets marches toward its next 150th year, help them by lending your support through the Georgia Gold, American Treasure  (GGAT) Initiative.

Your Contribution Goes Towards 3 Critical Areas:

  • Eagle Fund Scholarship recipient with donor

    Cadet Scholarships

    Giving to support scholarships ensures that our Corps can continue to provide top quality military, government, and private sector leaders

    University of North Georgia cadet scholarships allows the Commandant of Cadets the flexibility to directly help cadets who may not qualify for other support options.

  • Cadet graduating

    Cadet Operations

    Giving to support the operational needs of the Corps provides our Cadets the ability to be prepared upon graduation to lead as military officers or civilians in the private and public sectors.

    The Commandant of Cadets provides numerous opportunities for cadets to gain hands-on training and knowledge. Many of these experiences are not possible without your generosity.

  • Military Leadership Center rendering

    Cadet Facilities

    Giving to support Cadet facilities is an investment that ensures we attract our nation’s finest potential cadets and will enable the Cadet Military Program to prepare them to be America’s next generation of leaders at the national, state, and community levels.

    Preparing Cadets mandates that we build and maintain facilities with the latest technology that supports the growth of the Corps and its ability to meet its yearly increasing commissioning goals.

Support the Paver Project

Commemorative Paver Project -
COL Ben Purcell, ‘50, Formation Plaza

All proceeds benefit the Corps of Cadets Fund which provides annual operational support to the entire Corps

For questions, please contact Corps Director of Development, LTC James Corbin at 706.864.1999 or